(678) 345-3456
380 Albert St, Melbourne, Australia

About Us

Unify Innovations: Pioneering the Future of ICT

About us

Welcome to Unify Innovations , where cutting-edge technology meets visionary solutions, propelling businesses into the digital frontier. As a leading force in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way businesses operate and thrive in the digital era.

Our Mission Our Vision Our Value

To pioneer technological excellence in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape, providing innovative solutions that empower businesses, communities, and individuals to thrive in the digital era. We are committed to creating a connected world where technology enhances efficiency, fosters collaboration, and transforms lives.

Our vision is to be a global leader in ICT, driving the future of technology with sustainable and impactful solutions. We aspire to cultivate an ecosystem of innovation, where our products and services transcend boundaries, positively influencing societies, and contributing to the advancement of the digital landscape.

Innovation: We believe in continuous innovation as the driving force behind progress. Embracing emerging technologies, we strive to create solutions that redefine the possibilities in ICT.

Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our interactions, fostering trust and transparency with our clients, partners, and employees.

Collaboration: We recognize the power of collaboration and actively seek to build partnerships that amplify our collective strengths. Together, we achieve more.

Customer-Centricity: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to understanding their needs, exceeding their expectations, and delivering solutions that add tangible value.

Sustainability: With an eye on the future, we are committed to sustainable practices in our products, operations, and community engagements. We aim to leave a positive and lasting impact on the environment.

Empowerment: We empower our employees to think creatively, take ownership, and contribute to our shared vision. Through a culture of learning and growth, we unlock the full potential of our team.

Global Citizenship: As we envision a future of country-based manufacturing, we are committed to being responsible global citizens. Our operations will reflect ethical and socially responsible practices, contributing to the development of local economies.

Adaptability: In the fast-evolving landscape of ICT, we embrace change with agility. Our ability to adapt ensures that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements.

years of experiences
Best Awarded Company
We adapt our delivery to the way your work, whether as an external provider.
Team Member

Passionate Personalities, Versatile Brains

Ashish Sudra

Founder & CEO
Lead the team of passionate developers, designers and the strategists with a lot of thought and analysis come true!
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Rachna Sheth

Business Head
Rachna joined IT Solutions in 2003 and worked in a variety of technical support roles before becoming VP of Network.
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Tapak Meni

President, Principal
As VP of Sales and Marketing since 1999, Jim oversees all new business acquisition at IT Solutions.
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Ergi Laura

Sales & Marketing
Garrett serves as the lead VCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) to our clients and guides IT Solutions' technology strategy.
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